Contents: Volume 5 Number 1 (2016)

ERSC April 2016 Vol 5 No 1
All authors in one

Editorial Vol 5 No 1 April 2016
Aletta Delport

Towards a Humanising Pedagogy through an Engagement with the Social–Subjective in Educational Theorising in South Africa
Aslam Fataar

Reflecting on Translanguaging in Multilingual Classrooms: Harnessing the Power of Poetry and Photography
Margie Childs

On Bernstein's Sociology of Pedagogy and how it can inform the Pedagogic Realisation of Poor and Working-Class Children in South African Primary Maths Education
Peter Pausigere

Social Cohesion and Initial Teacher Education in South Africa
Yusuf Sayed, Azeem Badroodien, Thomas Salmon and Zahraa McDonald

Returning to the Source: Reflexivity and Transformation in Understanding a Humanising Pedagogy
Denise Zinn, Kathija Adam, Raj Kurup and André du Plessis

Threshold Concept Theory and Nonformal Education: Community-Based Arts Learning in Palestine
Nicholas Rowe

Emergence of Environment and Sustainability Education (ESE) in Teacher Education Contexts in Southern Africa: A Common Good Concern
Caleb Mandikonza and Heila Lotz-Sisitka

Humanising Higher Education in South Africa through Dialogue as Praxis
Cornelia Roux and Anne Becker

Book Review: A Participatory Paradigm for an Engaged Scholarship in Higher Education: Action Leadership from a South African Perspective
Ansie Elizabeth Kitching

Research Report: The Academic Wellness and Educational Success of Juvenile Offender Learners in a Gauteng Correctional School
Meahabo Dinah Magano